
CAMELEON 2 seater oak sofa light grey velvet

Original price was: €1,782.00.Current price is: €1,425.60.

Previous lowest price was 1,425.60.

Cameleon Collection consists of 2 seater sofa and a comfy chair designed to meet all the individuals needs.
The set adds a modern chic to hotel and office areas. Perfect for bustling living spaces due to the removable cover, and will bring a moment of rest and recharge if placed in the home library.
With wooden sides and legs, and smoothly finished rounded armrests you will transfer your home into a living space of subtle and harmonious design.
The light and delicate silhouette is a result of combining a sturdy quality with a sleek and asymmetrical shape.
Convenient, zippered fabric cover can be easily changed if stained or if you simply want to revamp your home look.
The fabric has been horizontally quilted to give the set a more contemporary look.
Cameleon Collection is available in different colors and wood stains.

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Black, Bleached, Brown, Natural



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